
Amy Tan : I resolve to put my Thickers back into their packaging each time after use.

Celine Navarro : As a full time scrapbook artist, my most important resolution for 2014 is to FOCUS on what I really like to do in this industry, i.e. scrapbook more, teach internationally more, share more on my blog. That's all that makes me happy :)

Chari Moss : My scrappy resolution is to branch out from cards a bit and try my hand at Project Life. In general scrapbooking intimidates me but I think I might could handle the project life format. I purchased a handbook and page protectors in a variety of arrangements and I have signed up for the Day by Day class to get myself motivated.

Kelly Noel : I have a few scrappy resolutions for the new year, but the one I really want to focus on is doing something creative EVERYDAY. Too many times I go through spurts and I find it really hard to get back into the creative mode if I take too long of a break.

Kim Stewart : I have a few scrappy resolutions, but I think the most important is to do more journaling. I'm so bad at it that I usually add a little something to the back of my layouts but I want to be a little more fearless and include a more of the story in my pages!

Lexi Bridges : I really want to simply my scrap space in 2014. I want the space to be inspiring, as well as less cluttered, and have at least a little room on the desk to scrap, so I don't end up on the floor.

Maggie Massey : I resolve to actually finish the projects I start in 2014...including Project Life, One Little Word & my 1001 gifts journal...

Melanie Louette : My biggest scrap need/want for 2014 is to get organized and to pare down my supplies very drastically. I need to do this for my sanity, and because I just do not have ANY MORE ROOM! I've enlisted the help of good friend ( a total organizing guru) during a weekend at the end of the month. She promises me that she'll be ruthless, and that I will have at least 50-70% less stuff when all is said & done, which is really what I want most of all- a fresh scrap slate!

Natalie : My scrappy resolution for 2014 is to include more "Real Life Journaling" on my pages. I've always been big on making sure I document the story, but like most people I will focus on the fun happy stories (human nature I guess)! But if my scrapbooking is to become a true legacy to my children about what our lives are like at this point in time then I need to include ALL facets of it. This layout for example (created with the Roller Rink scrapbook kit and Toe Stop add on) documents the time my children were plagued by headlice. Not a nice story to tell, but one that became part of our "Real Life" for a while. You're going to see many more brutally honest layouts coming from me this year... but they'll still be dressed up in pretty paper and embellishments ;-)

Paige Evans : Stay true to my style and do what makes me happy with paper, scissors, and glue!

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