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Message Board Announcement

Over the past ten years, we’ve watched as social media has changed the way people communicate online. When we started Studio Calico in 2007, message boards were the virtual coffee shop of the internet—a place where people came together to discuss things they have in common. As Facebook and Instagram came onto the scene and flourished, many have turned away from message boards, favoring the smaller groups and more personal interactions they can have on those platforms.

Here at SC, we have seen the same thing. Our once active message boards have become quiet. Because of that, we have decided to close them so that we can put our resources towards connecting with you all in other ways. We are thankful for the community that has grown around Studio Calico and look forward to being able to share more on Instagram—both in our feed and in our Stories. Both the SC blog and our Creative Team and Member galleries will be a place to continue to get inspiration, and we’ll be reaching out to the LOAW challenge posters so that we can continue to maintain that on the blog. As always, there will still be forums and lesson comment sections in our classrooms so that you can interact with your teachers and fellow students. 

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  1. clippergirl says…

    I've decided to cancel my doc sub, does anyone know when I can do this....I had a 12 month sub, and am way past it, so do I still have to wait until after the 25th or can I do it now, I am so, so, so sad about this.

    3 Reply 1 Reply
    1. CeliseMcL says…

      @clippergirl anytime after the 5th of the month according to the FAQ.

  2. clippergirl says…

    Thank you's done.
    I am so gutted about this decision. I have stuck through with all of SC's past changes since being a member since 2010, but this is the final "last straw" with the closing of the boards. I will definitely miss each and everyone here on the boards. I know we never met but I considered everyone here as friends. Love you all!

    25 Reply 0 Replies
  3. WhamBamPam says…

    Hi everyone, I just changed the name of the Facebook group to No/Lo Spend instead of No/Lo Spend 2017.

    4 Reply 2 Replies
    1. ATXmom says…

      @WhamBamPam please let us know if you post the challenge somewhere besides Facebook, such as 2peas.

    2. rhondapogo says…

      I am sorry if I missed it @WhamBamPam but could you post a link to the FB page? I didn't participate but I enjoyed reading! Thanks!

  4. Yellow601 says…

    Wow! Can't believe this.
    I don't do social media- so no facebook or instagram.
    How are we suppose to chat with each other, ask questions and talk about our craft.

    5 Reply 3 Replies
    1. pinksoup says…

      Seems our only option is to keep this thread going. This is such a let down.

    2. juliee says…

      But I bet this thread gets taken down or locked at some point @pinksoup -seems like the goal is to keep us from talking to each other

    3. pinksoup says…

      They are already working on that @juliee. I had to scroll through 3 pages of comments here to find your comment where you tagged me. Before, I would just click the notification on top and it would land on the comment. No more. :-(

  5. Scrappydo says…

    I went to see that I liked your FB page - and I have - which surprised me as it never shows in my feed. This is one aspect of FB I detest - if I've gone to the effort of liking a page, you'd think it would show in my feed. But more surprisingly, I noticed SC hasn't posted on FB since around mid September - so that isn't boding well for more engagement!

    7 Reply 1 Reply
    1. juliee says…

      I noticed that sc hasn't been posting too. Andyesterday the SC instagram story was all about a new instagram feed for planner girls. It might be great for planner girls but doesn't seem to help the traditionalpha scrapbookers like me at all

  6. lirathea says…

    Wow....the message board was what kept me coming back to SC. This feels like a way to stop people from expressing their opinions - or, perhaps, preventing any negative opinions from being easily accessible to new customers.
    Of course, SC as a business can choose to do whatever it likes regarding having a forum and plenty of businesses succeed without them, but for a company whose community seems to have kept it in business and been a clear point of difference to other kit clubs, it seems like a poor decision.
    Guess I've got no reason to stop in regularly anymore! Hey there 2Peas, guess it's time to quit my lurking and join up.

    8 Reply 0 Replies
  7. AndieLiBrandi says…

    Although extremely sad to see the message boards go, I respect the decision. However, please please at least bring them back to 'read-only.' There was so much GOOD stuff - info, ideas that I would often times go searching for. I will miss checking in daily to see what's new.

    9 Reply 2 Replies
    1. corinne says…

      YES!. The direct links for past kits for example!!!

    2. ATXmom says…

      Yes, this would be awesome. I would appreciate being able to search out posts to refer to again and again.

  8. audmac says…

    Yes! Especially with December Daily around the corner I will miss all of the chat they had for the past years I referred to those often:)

    5 Reply 1 Reply
    1. jenirlsrsly says…

      I use the DD board every year! Super bummed.

  9. jubilli says…

    This is surprising and saddening, but I definitely visited SC way less once I cancelled all my subscriptions. And now that the message boards are gone forever, I will have absolutely no reason to visit. I'm sure this will drive the traffic way down. Good luck with that SC! I had no idea until I had to actually search for the message boards on Google and came across this post. You could have at least emailed your members or mentioned it in the "October Lookbook" email that you sent on the 5th. But the lack of communication does not surprise me at all. Farewell and good luck!

    12 Reply 1 Reply
    1. Gigi333 says…

      This is such a true comment

      This should have been emailed

  10. WhamBamPam says…

    @ATXmom Maybe I'll just cross post the challenges, so look for me on 2Peas, I'm still under WhamBamPam. I'm still not comfortable with 2Peas site, but what the hell, I'll give it a go.

    8 Reply 0 Replies
  11. paperpilekitten says…

    I have the same handle on 2peas refugees: paperpilekitten
    I haven't been very active there for a long while but I always catch up on the SC reveal talk every month and I like to read the threads about December Daily and Ali Edwards projects, so there's a lot of SC related topics over there. With only a few exceptions, the threads and the discussions are fun and positive in general. It's a good place for everything scrapbooking related. :)

    6 Reply 0 Replies
  12. SamNCam says…

    The SC MB was part of the reason I joined, too. It created SO much hype about the products each month. I am so sorry for anyone that checked the SC MB daily. I used to be one of those people who checked it anytime I had 5 mins to myself, and It always made me spend way more than I wanted to each month. My fave threads were always those "what did you buy?" threads, bc I loved how we were all so excited about the goodies that were soon headed our way.

    I really hope many of you will consider 2peasrefugees. There is a wealth of knowledge and kindness in 2peasrefugees, so much sharing and enabling, and advice offered when asked. It's true that there have have been a few people mentioned negatively in the SC thread, not always unwarranted. You can choose to avoid it if you'd like, but I would love to see the regulars from here join over there, and have a chance to reconnect with you ladies. @penny, someone has begun a survey thread in your honor. @paperpilekitten, there is a monthly "build your own kit" like what you do. There are many similar types of threads there and a DD thread that is at least 33 pages long. It took some getting used to the style of the 2PR MB, but I love going there now.

    11 Reply 0 Replies
  13. karenlee3 says…

    This is very disappointing. Now this is just a shopping site. No longer a scrapbooking/paper crafting community.

    6 Reply 0 Replies
  14. TerrieAllison says…

    Maybe we can put the" What did you buy" thread right here on this thread in the next day or so. Everyone should be getting their kits soon so everyone can respond here.

    3 Reply 2 Replies
    1. cookiebear says…

      why would you continue that thread here? SC has made it clear they don't want you discussing what you've brought.

    2. juliee says…

      I agree with @cookiebear- no reason to promote sc products. My kit should be here tomorrow and unless I love it, I will be cancelling my sub. I think I will be taking my money somewhere that seems to value their customers, engages with their customers and encourages their customers to engage with and support each other........note I think i'm going through the stages of grief and have moved to anger

  15. boymom says…

    Sadly, I think you will find that your business will suffer because of this decision. I would come to the SC website FOR the message boards, to be with like-minded scrappers, and then read about the excitement over certain products and then go shop! The message board is what lead me to my purchases, not the other way around.

    16 Reply 0 Replies
  16. gabber says…

    oh man- i'm really bummed now too. i can't stand Facebook and Instagram is awesome but not at all as personal as the message boards. I had to go back to the ER again last week, and just saw this news. I will so miss everyone- esp @whambampam weekly posts and challenges, @penny's surveys, and just all the wonderful new product and class inspo posts- recipes too! So many amazing people on our boards-@gluestickgirl, @joelaw, @CeliseMcL, @SideOats, @juliee, @iScrap- i was really starting to feel like I was making friends here and it was a good fit- small yes but really felt like family. i will truly miss the boards :( take care all ((GIANT HUGS)) IG: gabbe68

    6 Reply 1 Reply
    1. iScrap says…

      I hope you're feeling better @gabber. I'm still sad about this and think it was a mistake on SC's part to shut down the reason that brought many of us here daily, but that's water under the bridge now. Please consider joining in over at 2Peas Refugees. The message board is active and there are a lot of fun, nice, friendly, helpful people there. And if you're interested, I don't really use FB, but you can find me on IG at "michellgb". I'm off to find you there. Sending you hugs!

  17. msmeinke says…

    A suggestion I had been thinking about making was to have a code of conduct for the message area. And if people don’t follow it they are not able to send messages or have a suspension period. I will miss this as it was nice to connect with others. Take care, Pam

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  18. Msaula says…

    :( geez. SC is the reason I began scrapbooking in the first place. I’ve received so much encouragement and found wonderful ideas here. SC introduced me to so many creatives in the industry and to many fellow crafters. The message boards were the best part. I only quit subscribing because my kits were piling up. But I almost always purchased during the sales. And the message boards were the catalyst for my spending. This can’t possibly be good for business. Why would I come to the site at all anymore? So bummed. Not cool SC. Not cool.

    16 Reply 2 Replies
    1. cloudyya says…

      It was so nice to "meet" you through SC & become instagram buddies:)

    2. Msaula says…

      Yes @cloudyya so glad we have Instagram to stay in touch!

  19. norbarian says…

    I am so sad about this. So sad. It is amost like someone should take all my scrapbook supplies away from me, because I don't work with it often enough. Coming to the message boards was such a nice retreat, and like @clippergirl said, I also consider all of you as friends, I am so thankful for the warmth and help I have found here. This community has definitely helped me stay sane and made me aware to not forget saying nice things to others and reach out a helping hand if I can (though I'll be the first to admit I could have been far more better at it). I am so going to miss all of you. All. I hope you will all have a good journey on the paths you are going from here.
    (I also agree with @msaula, to close the boards can't be good for business. Why would I come to this site so often anymore? Feels like all the fun and charm with this place has been taken away. I probably won't leave for good, but my enthusiasm is for sure not there anymore. And I already do have enough supplies for the rest of my lifetime.)

    18 Reply 0 Replies
  20. Whitney764 says…

    Does @AprilFoster even work here anymore? I know she owns SC but is she an active part of it? I honestly have no idea. What a sad state this place is used to bring so many people such joy. It introduced me to papercrafting and I've stuck around behind the scenes for years but now it's just... SAD. Just makes me wonder who is running the show?

    10 Reply 0 Replies
  21. msmoonlite says…

    Yet another way SC has shown that they couldn't care less. With so many people who come here just to chat and check on their friends in addition to shopping completely at a loss. I guess April forgot that she would post here and interact with women struggling through infertility. Or all of the people who supported each other through illnesses and deaths. Remember the wonderful tribute we had to the scrapbooker who was killed by a drunk driver? I could go on since I've been around for years. With no warning? Just disgusting.

    6 Reply 1 Reply
    1. TerryB says…

      I had no idea. Sounds like this was all before I joined. I've noticed some posts have been deleted too. This is a real bummer.

  22. Janice15 says…

    Such sad news. I was overseas and thought the site was acting glitchy on my phone when I couldn't find the message boards. So sad to learn the truth that they're long gone, with no notice and no opportunity to search old messages. I was a regular visitor to the message board and loved the community. Take care my friends ❤️

    6 Reply 0 Replies
  23. lydiashaulis says…

    Anyone have a Facebook Group started to replace this? I just recently joined SC and the message boards were something that I was really impressed with. My Hello Forever planner is arriving on Thursday and I was looking forward to seeing what all people have done with their HF planners.

    1 Reply 2 Replies
    1. joblackford says…

      I can't speak to Facebook groups but you are welcome to join a lot of other SC "refugees" at (this is just one of the boards at 2PeasRefugees). You'll find plenty of familiar faces (check out the "roll call" thread) and a very active message board - far more active than this has been in years.

    2. juliee says…

      The no/lo spend group started by @whambampam is becoming a gathering place for some of us

  24. cloudyya says…

    I keep coming back here... like, " maybe they changed their mind."

    14 Reply 4 Replies
    1. clippergirl says…

      Me too @cloudyya, eventhough I cancelled my sub, I still miss checking the boards....well, now here. Crazy huh?

    2. glenys says…

      Other than one comment about how the blog will continue to be regular, not one person from SC has commented. I don't think they're going to change their mind...... and the Facebook page continues to languish back in mid September.....

    3. juliee says…

      Me too .... or to see if my friends have very said anything l els e

    4. WhamBamPam says…

      I will keep coming back, at least until this thread is locked or disappears or whatever.

  25. amyscalze says…

    I am sooooooooooo sad! I haven't been on here, and have been missing it. I went to check for LOAW and just kinda re-connect, see what's new, etc. since I have been missing this for a while, and I SO was not expecting to find this gone. : (
    Love you SC peeps! I will miss you!

    8 Reply 0 Replies

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