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Message Board Announcement

Over the past ten years, we’ve watched as social media has changed the way people communicate online. When we started Studio Calico in 2007, message boards were the virtual coffee shop of the internet—a place where people came together to discuss things they have in common. As Facebook and Instagram came onto the scene and flourished, many have turned away from message boards, favoring the smaller groups and more personal interactions they can have on those platforms.

Here at SC, we have seen the same thing. Our once active message boards have become quiet. Because of that, we have decided to close them so that we can put our resources towards connecting with you all in other ways. We are thankful for the community that has grown around Studio Calico and look forward to being able to share more on Instagram—both in our feed and in our Stories. Both the SC blog and our Creative Team and Member galleries will be a place to continue to get inspiration, and we’ll be reaching out to the LOAW challenge posters so that we can continue to maintain that on the blog. As always, there will still be forums and lesson comment sections in our classrooms so that you can interact with your teachers and fellow students. 

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  1. WhamBamPam says…

    @rhondapogo @TerryB @mtercha @CeliseMcL @penny @RhondaN @iScrap @Gigi333 @juliee @cloudyya @peachiceteas @Sunniva @CristinaC @ginny @alakard @ShellyJ @lasteve1 @Joelaw @ATXmom @huskermom98 @mandy1632 @ATXmom@clippergirl @audmac @corinne @christieamber @KarineC @Kaybree @Leanne1965 @andreahoneyfire @pinksoup @honeykd @tpgirl @lirathea @cmsplitt @ohdessa @scrapally @theslowcrafter @Leah
    So, I did bring No/Lo Spend to Facebook & to 2Peas, same challenges on both every Friday.

    14 Reply 2 Replies
    1. rhondapogo says…


    2. Gigi333 says…

      Thanks pam

  2. TerrieAllison says…

    I just got my October Studio Calico kits and I just love them. I can't wait to use the cute little die cut leaves. I am still sad that Studio Calico is going in a different direction but still love the kits.

    1 Reply 4 Replies
    1. CeliseMcL says…

      I am glad to see you are happy, me, I am depressed. I cancelled my sub of 3 1/2 years this week. My reveal purchases come tomorrow but my level of excitement for a delivery is just "blah"
      I too hang around the cemetery hoping the bell will ring.

    2. juliee says…

      My box came yesterday @celisemcl and I just shoved it under my desk .... half the fun (or more) was sharing thoughto about the kit and projects with the kit with others

    3. ATXmom says…

      @juliee :( I really like the kits, too, and would have been excited to see what others thought, too. I like the threads where people shared their "love it" and "leave it" items.

    4. juliee says…

      I just unpacked my box.... it's lovely but I don't have anywhere to go to talk about what I love and what I'm not sure how to use. It made me realize that the reason I've hung on to my sub was for the sense of belonging to the community here. So tonight I am cancelling after more than 5 years. I'm sad but it's way easier than it was when I thought about it a couple of months ago. I will always be grateful for what sc gave me, but the soul behind SC Zhas been gone for a while.... the end of the message boards just made me admit it.

  3. WhamBamPam says…

    @CeliseMcL I even asked if I could get a transcript of my No/Lo and was told, no one has access anymore. Maybe, it's a money thing, the contract was up for renewal for access to the software or programming support & SC didn't renew. (I'm not techie, I'm just thinking of when they changed our software at the hospital & we could no longer access the program well had all used since the 80's (also a difficult changeover)).
    Using Facebook & 2Peas, doesn't have the same flow for conversations so far.

    6 Reply 0 Replies
  4. RhondaN says…

    @gluestickgirl is SC keeping the Reveal Chat or is that being done away with too?

    4 Reply 1 Reply
    1. juliee says…

      Great question

  5. RhondaN says…

    Also I am not trying to be negative but I have to speak up with my feelings. In my order that I received today was a postcard from April and the very last sentence from her says " But the goal remains the same---- Beautiful products plus inspiration from an amazing community."
    A community she has since gotten rid of here. I find it sad that those that don't do FB and Instagram are not a part of her community and truthfully I think the FB and IG community are just as upset that this community is being dismissed.

    15 Reply 1 Reply
    1. huskermom98 says…

      I read that postcard several times & never did understand what she was saying...felt like one big run-on sentence with no point...

  6. cloudyya says…

    Still waiting... still hoping... still checking in.
    I can't let this place go, though I started finding & following SC friends on instagram. It is not the same. I'm on 2peas but still can't get the hang of it. I guess it'll take a while. I joined Get Messy Art Journaling, & still can't get the hang of it either. Im anxiously awaiting Tina's details class but... It wont be the same as the class MB are not as active :/

    8 Reply 0 Replies
  7. Leanne1965 says…

    I just cancelled after fours years of subscribing. I've been feeling disillusioned with this company for quite a while and now with the abrupt removal of the message boards I feel that it's time to move on.

    8 Reply 0 Replies
  8. Sunniva says…

    I do understand SCs business decision; however, the communication hasn't been great.. I am a strong SC supporter (who understands they need to be earning their dollars) because I feel they have given me sooo much. But SC, since you yourselves make statements about having a "community" rather than just being a shop, shouldn't you address this community's concerns? How about commenting on what's ahead to replace the message boards?

    I too keep going back to check the boards, because it was such a regular part of my daily routine. I just gave up my Stamp sub, and will most likely give up my Doc sub after December since I really didn't like the monthly cork months that were chosen through IG, and I don't feel the same community, commitment and excitement anymore. I too was one for being convinced "I just have to have that" through the boards. I miss that! ... my husband probably won't :P

    9 Reply 0 Replies
  9. juliee says…

    So I went to the sc Facebook page this morning to see what they might be doing there to fill the hole they created .... last post was from mid-September about the mega sale....

    4 Reply 3 Replies
    1. Scrappydo says…

      That sounds like the post I saw when I checked.... so even after closing the MB because no one used it, and the "community" used FB and IG, SC arent even feeding their so called community over on FB??? This is ridiculous! Studio Calico seems to be driving even the remnants of a once vibrant community away. It makes me really sad.

    2. juliee says…

      Me too @scrappydo

    3. juliee says…

      I have December @celisemcl - but I don't know who has November or how/if they will get challenges for next year

  10. penny says…

    The first 2 October Layout-A-Week Challenges are now on the blog - in one long post that I did not edit myself. But I did write the challenges. I hope lots of you will play along!

    At least there's that.

    5 Reply 6 Replies
    1. CristinaC says…

      I will! I made a card today for your LOAW #1.

    2. penny says…

      @cristinac, so glad you're playing along.

      I haven't made a card since July 16! I will probably make one for the 3rd challenge. Just to see if I still can.

    3. juliee says…

      Fun challenges @penny

    4. CeliseMcL says…

      I was so glad you tagged me @penny. I rarely check the blogs, but now I know to look there for LOAW. @juliee who has Nov and Dec? Do you recall? I know it is not me.

    5. penny says…

      It's frustrating that you can't follow a thread on the blog. Well, lots of things are frustrating.

    6. ATXmom says…

      Thanks for trying to keep it going. I love those jewel-toned Starbucks cups, similar to the colors in Gypsy Moon.

  11. Gigi333 says…

    There is no community without the message boards

    19 Reply 0 Replies
  12. BethMB says…

    I will miss the community so much though I haven't posted tons, and will miss tuning in when still waking up in the morning. Dang.

    I've been an occasional lurker on 2Peas and will look into joining. Thank you @Gigi333, @iscrap and @simonev for reminding us. I spend time on the board. No strong criticism/negativity is allowed so you won't see passionate debates (except on the current events section!), which can be both good and bad, I figure. There's a hugely diverse population so you can find your niche and pals. I've received and given so much help, and I hope some of you check it out.

    There are many sections: weekly challenges, for sale, swaps, organizing, techniques, SB, tools/products, many sub-groups - like a group that makes/sends actual birthday cards to every member. It's free but if you pay to join you get access to a few extra sections. I pay to support them, but don't visit those sections and you certainly don't need to. It takes a while to get used to the structure but it becomes second nature.

    I'm bjeans there - come play, PM me, whatever. I hadn't joined 2Peas only because two crafty message boards was enough to keep me from crafting (!) and I'm on a non-crafty board occasionally too.

    Sorry this is long! Really sad about this but not entirely surprised; the combo of SC problems and the criticism was volatile.


    4 Reply 0 Replies
  13. BethMB says…

    Weird timing. The last week I've been purging and organizing, and finally broke up every SC kit, not that I had so many compared to some. I had been a SB subscriber to build up a stash while starting this paper crafting journey, plus bought many more mystery and cheap SB and documenter kits. But I don't SB or document. In fact I learned what SB meant right here, from this community. Thank you. {sad}

    I pulled the papers and items I loved - like the tweet tweet Brimfield paper I used to beg for here (and eventually was able to buy many Brimfield kits for that paper!), and made stuffed full donation bags.

    I've spent so much time "purging SC" that I missed the announcement that SC is purging us.

    11 Reply 3 Replies
    1. penny says…

      That's it! You said it. We've been purged.

    2. juliee says…

      Great way to put it @bethmb - I too feel like I have been purged @penny

    3. kimberlyatlga says…

      Oh, wow. Exactly, we have been purged.

  14. juliee says…

    I just unpacked my kit and I didn't get a card from April about how she values community.....guess I am not part of the community she values......

    6 Reply 4 Replies
    1. cloudyya says…

      I didn't get one either. I juuuuuust got my kit today...

    2. ATXmom says…

      It was just a preprinted postcard like they include in the kits sometimes. Nothing personalized. It was just odd timing with contradictory language and actions.

    3. Elses says…

      I didn't get one either. Maybe I'm just confused

    4. kimberlyatlga says…

      I did get it and read it. Did not think the community of boards was going, though.

  15. Pippin says…

    It is weird that not everyone got one though. Sensical statement, contradictory sentiment, what ever it is, everyone should have gotten one.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  16. Pippin says…

    Anyone else think this might be the beginning of the end? SC has repeatedly shown they don't value their subscribers by offering kits at a drastic discount to new customers, serious lack of communication, disregard of loyal subscribers (did anyone get their 12 month gift last July? That is when the ridiculous bracelet was sent out in 2016, since it was supposed to be an annual gift, a new one should have been sent out in July 2017. Saying one was in the works on the message board only after being called out is crap. ) I fully expect the kit club to be done by the end of the year.

    5 Reply 2 Replies
    1. juliee says…

      I feel like the scrapbook kit is on the way out too - I suspect they are going to focus on planners -it's the "in" thing right now

    2. kimberlyatlga says…

      I hope the kits remain. I do not do planners. I see that as a waste. My "planner" must be functional, not crafty. I enjoy scrapbooking. I feel kind of out of the loop now. So sad.

  17. TerrieAllison says…

    I didn't get a postcard either but that didn't bother me. I really hope that they don't stop the scrapbook and doc kits. I don't do planners so then I will really out of luck. I have to say again that I really do like the October kits and have been working on layouts and cards.

    3 Reply 1 Reply
    1. Pippin says…

      The October scrapbook kit was ok, September was great, but that doesn't mean that April or anyone else from Studio Calico is interested in this club anymore. No one except Gluestickgirl ever posted on the board, Facebook site is not active or supported by anyone on staff, they are not responding to questions or comments here, and on and on. They have sales constantly, are basically giving kits away every month and have shown anyone in any way that they still care about this club. April is busy gathering other companies to provide fulfillment for. I think she is more interested in becoming a shipping warehouse then scrapbooking company. They certainly don't seem to know what their customers want. People were very upset when the card kit went away, people have been asking for Twine and Ink products for years and they just release them in drips and drops when they could make a killing of they released enough to sell them in their store. How many people would buy multiples of the wonky hearts if they were available for purchase? They stopped selling other lines in their store for the most part and they could make a fortune if they carried new lines that people could bundle with their kits. Their stamps used to sell the kits and were wildly popular. Now they are so dinky and so thoughtless they are basically throw away items. Now they close down their message board which basically provided them with free advertising once a month during reveal. Maybe the board was dead,but they certainly didn't do a single thing to keep it alive. Their DT used to at least show up once a month to highlight items for sale in the store. I think the writing is on the wall, no one cares about SC in Bowling Green, why should their customers?

  18. audmac says…

    I no longer sub however, I'm really hesitant to order anything now, just really uncertain of things here. So sad. I've been here for years

    2 Reply 0 Replies
  19. jubilli says…

    I just split up all the kits that I've been saving and will be putting half the stuff up for sale, most likely on Facebook.

    Emails from any Inked Brands are suddenly going to my spam folder. Also, A Beautiful Mess put their kits on pause due to ending their arrangement with Inked Brands. I wouldn't count on SC keeping their kits for any sort of long term.

    1 Reply 1 Reply
    1. corinne says…

      oh oh. So sad.

  20. senkim says…

    After 3 1/2 years I just cancelled. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, especially when I look around my crafty space - I have more than enough goodies to keep me busy for a few years. LOL.... You know, I thought it was weird that my SC box came with AE tape on it, I guess they have already run out of the SC tape. It is also funny that somebody else has all ready appropriated the #scnovembersneaks IG tag.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  21. kimberlyatlga says…

    I am shocked really. Of course, late to the party. Weird thing is, I found 2Peas Refugees today. There is an SC Refugee forum. I am going to miss reading the message boards here. Hope to see you gals over at 2PEAS.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  22. SherryGrove says…

    It's not like I visited the message boards everyday, but I was there about monthly and definitely when I needed information related to SC. I'm disappointed that the resource and it's rich history is gone. I understand that things evolve and change, and I don't blame you maximizing your techno storage; still, I wanted to register my disappointment.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  23. melzie2121 says…

    I just now came to check out the site and thought I'd been kicked out of the message boards. Seeing that they're gone now strengthens my decision to make the December kit my last.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  24. laceyweeks says…

    Just wow. I'm in shock over this. I've been here since 08 and never would ali have thought these boards would be taken away. Hope you rethink this @aprilfoster @gluestickgirl

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  25. scrappinjenoffive says…

    What in the world? Admittedly I've been absent of late.. new teaching gig and 5 kids. But tonight I found myself in my scraproom tidying up the mess with hopes of playing a bit over break. The first place I went afterwards was here. The same place I've gone to over the last 8-9 years. And the boards are gone? So so upsetting. I've been a loyal member this whole time. Now what?

    1 Reply 0 Replies

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