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Message Board Announcement

Over the past ten years, we’ve watched as social media has changed the way people communicate online. When we started Studio Calico in 2007, message boards were the virtual coffee shop of the internet—a place where people came together to discuss things they have in common. As Facebook and Instagram came onto the scene and flourished, many have turned away from message boards, favoring the smaller groups and more personal interactions they can have on those platforms.

Here at SC, we have seen the same thing. Our once active message boards have become quiet. Because of that, we have decided to close them so that we can put our resources towards connecting with you all in other ways. We are thankful for the community that has grown around Studio Calico and look forward to being able to share more on Instagram—both in our feed and in our Stories. Both the SC blog and our Creative Team and Member galleries will be a place to continue to get inspiration, and we’ll be reaching out to the LOAW challenge posters so that we can continue to maintain that on the blog. As always, there will still be forums and lesson comment sections in our classrooms so that you can interact with your teachers and fellow students. 

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  1. RhondaN says…

    Well I don't do Facebook or Instagram. I am very upset at this announcement. I love connecting with my fellow crafters here on the message boards.
    I feel you should have at least asked our opinion on this matter.
    To my fellow Studio Calico peeps I have always enjoyed talking to you and learning more about you, may God Bless each and everyone of you!

    28 Reply 5 Replies
    1. iScrap says…

      I feel the same.

    2. Gigi333 says…

      This is not what people want

    3. juliee says…

      I'm on face book and instagram but don't feel like I really build the same connections there (with a couple of exceptions)

    4. Gigi333 says…

      Come to 2peas Julie

      It's really active and the people are really nice and you dint have to go to the sc thread if you dint want to

    5. ecw519 says…

      Is 2peas back?

  2. cloudyya says…

    Nooooooooo! This makes me sad! This is where I come to connect with the stuff only us paper lovers could understand! I don't do Facebook:/ & Instagram is not necessarily made for ongoing conversations:/
    What a bummer:(

    22 Reply 0 Replies
  3. simonev says…

    I actually closed my Instagram and Facebook accounts at the start of the year because I was feed up with my feeds being clogged up with ads and too much self-promotion from some of the companies I followed.
    It's a shame that the message boards have been taken down already but I know that not all message boards are created equal and a quick search of 2peas refugees might fill the gap for some of you.

    17 Reply 1 Reply
    1. cloudyya says…

      Oooooh Thanks I need crafty friends & look forward to connecting with other paper folk NOT on FB!

  4. peachiceteas says…

    I saw it coming but not for the reasons you state. Message boards are still really popular in this industry - I guess people just moved on from SCs offering.

    If you're looking for a message board, come over to 2PeasRefugees. It's an encouraging and supportive space with lots of challenges going on, info about new launches, organisation threads etc.

    25 Reply 4 Replies
    1. jennyap says…

      Agree, 2PeasRefugees has a lovely scrapping community, and because it's not tied to a business, members are free to discuss any products or companies they like.

    2. Gigi333 says…

      I love 2peas

    3. Rockermorsan says…

      I don't feel comfortable joining the 2peas community. I have been talked about behind my back there and would not feel welcome. It does not feel like a supportive community to me at all.

    4. Gigi333 says…

      I would welcome you there

      The sc thread is only one of so many threads

  5. Sunniva says…

    Thanks for offering it for so long, SC! It has been such a great place, and I will especially miss Penny's day before reveal surveys! However, with all the complaints (and at times personal attacks), I really understand that it would require a lot of resources to maintain. Even when I wasn't involved in the conversation I would feel deflated and depressed after reading so much negativity, and I needed to take long breaks away from the forums.
    I'm not trying to take away from people's complaints - they are real, and they should be heard by SC, however not necessarily through their forums. Remember, forums are not something businesses in general offer for people to publicly raise complaints with them, so why should SC.
    I hope a good alternative will emerge, since I as many others do not do social media. I am hopefull that the blog might become a more structured/thematic type of message board since we still have the commenting opportunity there, and would be able to connect with other members :)
    So thanks SC! Looking forward to what's ahead!

    7 Reply 5 Replies
    1. penny says…

      Thanks. I really liked reading responses every month because I felt like I was getting to know people. I'm really sad.

    2. Sunniva says…

      @Penny I agree it is sad.. That's why I'm hoping they'll be able to use the blog as some sort of a replacement. I'm really hoping they'll let you have you're survey as a monthly post, because in my opinion it was such a positive contribution and it was one of the things that made me excited for the reveal chat, getting to know the other memebers just a little bit better:)

    3. Gigi333 says…

      I love Pennys posts

    4. penny says…

      Thanks, @gigi333!

    5. Gigi333 says…

      Guys come to 2peas, I promise you will be glad you didi

  6. scrpbk1 says…

    Wow! This makes me sad. I know that sounds silly but I've so enjoyed this community for so many years. I will truly miss stopping by the boards.

    10 Reply 0 Replies
  7. iScrap says…

    Well this makes me very sad. I know they've been quiet, but it was still a place for subscribers to gather. I don't visit Facebook and Instagram doesn't allow me to interact with other subscribers in the same manner at all. I think it's an unfortunate decision that will definitely decrease traffic to the SC site. I'll miss the message board.

    18 Reply 1 Reply
    1. juliee says…

      I totally agree - the suggestion that Facebook and instagram create more personal interactions is absurd - it is self-justification at is best....or worst

  8. CristinaC says…

    It will take me a while to get used to not check in to look at the message boards, which was something I did daily. I will miss interacting with the community, especially those like @RhondaN who don't use social media.

    17 Reply 0 Replies
  9. penny says…

    This is like a punch to the gut. The message board has definitely been disappointing lately, with not much activity. But I still came here, to see what my online friends are talking about. I felt like part of a community, which won't be the same without the forum. I will just feel like a customer. And without having the "buzz" that's created on the boards, I might not feel like a customer for long.

    I do understand the decision, but I don't think it will be good for business. And I know it won't be good for me.

    I just made my third move in 9 years, and in each new city, I had friends waiting that I had met on these boards. Even this week, an SC member reached out to me because she saw a post on the boards where I mentioned where I lived.

    And so many friends I've never met in person, but we're friends just the same.

    I admit I'm not good with change. I just wasn't expecting this one right now. Thanks for being a fun place for the 9 years I was a member. Guess I'll change to just being a customer. For now.

    50 Reply 8 Replies
    1. CeliseMcL says…

      @Penny can you pm me your Facebook or email. I don't want to lose touch. We can still pm right?

    2. RhondaN says…

      @penny this is exactly how I feel. I hope they allow you to continue the day before reveal survey.
      This really does feel like a punch in the gut to all of us that have been here for SC through thick and thin. I am thinking I will stick with my sub to be able to get the Holiday items (even though I don't need anymore) and then it just might be time to let them go.

    3. ginny says…

      Penny, you were the first person I thought of when I heard about this. I know how active you have been on the MB throughout the years. I hope you can find a new scrappy home ❤️

    4. Gigi333 says…

      It's horrible

      I'm so fond of many people on the boards

    5. alakard says…

      I hope you will come join us at 2PR. There are pros and cons... there is no filter which is a big shock coming from a message board that was "managed" at times. But I think you will find quite a few familiar faces over there (many with the same user name or an avatar pic you might recognize) and lots of friends to talk crafty things with again.

    6. Kristi_ says…

      Where is the October LOAW post? @penny have they reached out to you about blog access? I NEED these challenges which encourage me to use SC product. I have completed Oct #1 but haven't uploaded it because there is nowhere to link it.

    7. penny says…

      @honeykd, to be honest, I reached out to them. I had already planned the challenges and didn't want to drop them. @gluestickgirl has the entries already submitted for Challenge #1, and I gave her Challenge #2 today.

    8. soonermama says…

      I have always loved my interactions with you here from our Oklahoma ties to the crafting. I always loved that you remembered and said sweet things whenever our paths crossed. Thank you!

  10. ShellyJ says…

    That's a shame

    6 Reply 0 Replies
  11. CeliseMcL says…

    I live on these message boards. I need these message boards. They are my inspiration and my challenges. I have made so many friends here. I hate Facebook it is too political. Instagram is hard to follow. The blog is not interactive.

    History is gone? I used these boards to seek out information from these conversations.

    I am not happy. This day is going bad to worse for me.

    27 Reply 4 Replies
    1. Gigi333 says…

      I'm. It happy either Celise

    2. juliee says…

      I am right there with you

    3. Gigi333 says…

      Please come to 2peas Celise

    4. jenirlsrsly says…

      I agree. It's terrible. I spent hours going through old posts for inspiration. I can't stand Facebook and you can only do so much with IG. Shame.

  12. Cade387 says…

    I can't see previews any other way than on the board here. I don't have IG and it is blocked on my devices. Will there be any other way to see peeks then? Otherwise I will have to rethink my sub.

    I really hope someone from SC will come on here and respond to all of these comments.

    8 Reply 1 Reply
    1. lindalovescreating says…

      Same. IG is blocked on my work computer which is typically what I use to view sneaks/the board.

  13. jennyap says…

    I'm sad for everyone who used the boards regularly, especially the way this happened so suddenly. Even when 2peasinabucket closed their message board down with no warning, they left all the old posts there for a couple of weeks so that people had a chance to save any posts and info before it went for good.

    Having been through that though, I can say that after the initial shock and sadness has worn off it is totally possible to regroup and perhaps even build an even better community. As I mentioned above, the 2PeasRefugees board has a really lovely board of scrapbookers, which has become increasingly active. Anyone who wants to come and join us would be welcomed with open arms. If that doesn't appeal, and enough people are interested, there's always the option to create your forum. It won't ever be exactly the same as here, but with change there is also an opportunity to improve :)

    11 Reply 3 Replies
    1. cloudyya says…


    2. Joelaw says…

      @cloudyya there's an SCRegugees board at 2peasrefugees. I just joined!

    3. lindalovescreating says…

      @cloudyya that's over at 2peasrefugees, 691 pages of it.

  14. glenys says…

    Sad that so much history has just disappeared in an instant. It was so easy to search through the message boards to find information on so many topics.
    There was a time when I came to the SC boards at least once a day, sometimes more. There were people here whose names I’d seen for many years and I had followed their stories. It’s not the same on Instagram or Facebook. Nothing has even been added to the SC Facebook page in almost 3 weeks.

    25 Reply 0 Replies
  15. cloudyya says…

    Still bummed. :( My BFF is moving away, and I felt that on these boards I had lots of other friends that I could connect with. I don't do FB and only click like on IG its not really meant for ongoing conversations. I would love to keep in contact with SC friends and would love to send some happy mail. Please PM me your address if you'd like to receive some happy mail from me...

    10 Reply 0 Replies
  16. Joelaw says…

    My pocket book thanks you! ALL my impulse buys were because of the boards.

    17 Reply 3 Replies
    1. CeliseMcL says…

      The ever optimist @joelaw. I will miss you too.

    2. Joelaw says…

      Lol! It's true though @CeliseMcL! I know for a FACT I will be spending less money...because now there won't be any reason for me to come here every day! I don't think April cares thought - she's been taking the company in a different direction for awhile now and we are less and less her bread and butter.

    3. ATXmom says…

      I bought so many kits and items after giving them a second look after reading the excitement on the message boards. I loved seeing what people were thinking and loving from each Reveal. :(

  17. kathyv says…

    I too am so sad as I am also one who chooses not to do instagram or Facebook. I may have to re think my subscription as well because I feel part of subscribing here was the ability to ask questions on the message boards to the DT or other members.

    10 Reply 0 Replies
  18. penny says…

    Is it possible to leave the boards accessible but not allow any new posts? I'm thinking of how many times I search for something in previous threads. Even recipes!

    Would that be such a problem? Even for a brief time so we could find some things?


    21 Reply 2 Replies
    1. clippergirl says…

      Yes! This is a great idea. Please consider this SC. Eventhough the boards have been slow, I still checked in every single day. This is going to be weird for sure.

    2. ATXmom says…

      I was hoping for the same thing. I search the message boards all the time to refer back to how-tos, products, etc.

  19. audmac says…

    Whaaaat??? I'm going to miss this and everyone ?

    7 Reply 0 Replies
  20. MichelleWedertz says…

    I think this is a huge mistake. Part of why I buy is because of the community. The boards weren't majorly active, but they weren't dead. The comradeship and the creative inspiration is what made the kits unique. Not to mention the enabling that went on. The community added value to my sub, without it I don't think I can justify buying a sub here anymore.

    26 Reply 3 Replies
    1. juliee says…

      I am thinking along similar lines

    2. ATXmom says…

      I agree.

    3. clippergirl says…

      Me too :(

  21. gjunker says…

    this is a bummer. I may not be active ie posting often, but I certainly browse and read through to see what others are up to to get inspiration, read about others lives, feel some sense of community where I don't have another outlet. *sigh*

    11 Reply 0 Replies
  22. nstar358 says…

    These boards are the reason I stumbled upon SC and started buying their products in the first place. I wasn't that active in posting but I gained a lot of crafty information and skills from reading the forums here. I always checked in to see what was new and what techniques and products people were using. Like others have mentioned it seems like I've had the wind knocked out of me because I have suddenly been cut off from this community and all the information it held. I am on instagram and it in no way compares to the message boards. Everything SC posts there is promotional. And barely anyone comments on those posts. I'm so disappointed and sad to see this all go away.

    13 Reply 1 Reply
    1. ATXmom says…

      Instagram is just mostly promotional. Its not a conversation.

  23. Shells004 says…

    I'm incredibly disappointed, too, even though the message board isn't what it used to be. I disagree that its because folks are moving towards other social media platforms. And, business-wise, I think it's a mistake to take away a "captive audience" and put them out to platforms that have a LOT of competition. It only takes 1 click to unfollow or unlike a company. I'm hoping the blog may fill a portion of what I'm looking for, although personally I get visually overwhelmed between what I'm exposed to at work and at home and prefer to have an option for chatting with other crafters. Bummer...

    8 Reply 4 Replies
    1. ATXmom says…

      I don't think that it's because other social media platforms have replaced forums either. Most people I know have either ditched Facebook or are considering it. Instagram is like a commercial and the change to the algorithms really took away from my enjoyment of the app. I think SC could've easily revived the message boards with a little TLC.

    2. Shells004 says…

      I totally agree with you about FB and IG, @ATXmom. Nothing on either replaces a message board that have a common interest bringing us together. And I had hoped the board would have picked up again eventually, given that the kits and SC policies seem to be improving more recently.

    3. Scrappydo says…

      I agree... IG is promotion... and I discover I miss many things because IG decides what order to show me things in.... and I hate that it's not chronological so I've been unfollowing businesses that post a lot of promos so I can try to see the people I want to see.
      Feel like the message boards going is really the shutting down of the scrapbooking side of life here.

    4. ATXmom says…

      @Scrappydo that's exactly been my experience with IG. I used to love seeing what people were posting as they posted in real time. Now it's just mostly affiliated posts and promos every time I open the app. I just mostly use it to direct message my son because I know he'll see it quickly lol!

  24. Northrigg says…

    @joelaw I subbed to the stamp sub because you once posted that you were looking forward to the ticket and tag stamps coming up. I hadn't seen any of those sneaks.

    5 Reply 1 Reply
    1. Joelaw says…

      See @Northrigg? I'm sure that happened all the time. Recently I purchased a bunch of add on items because someone replied to my comment about them. I had no idea they were now being made available to everyone in the shop! I don't frequent the shop...I only go there on release day and when I see comments on the board.

  25. huskermom98 says…

    This is just sad. I agree the boards have been painfully slow, but it's a way to connect with other crafters. I'm not on FB and I don't see IG as a way to connect with a large group (just the few scrappers I follow, like Ali Edwards or certain members of the creative team...and "connect" is not even the right word because all I do is take a peek into their scrappy and/or personal lives.)

    12 Reply 1 Reply
    1. juliee says…

      Exactly this


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