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April LOAW #3 Challenge

We're excited to feature these weekly challenges from the SC community! Below you'll find April's LOAW challenge #3. You can find challenge #1 here and challenge #2 here. Post your project in the gallery and copy a link to the comments below. You can enter anytime in April! Check in each week as one of our members shares a new challenge with you.

We are looking for LOAW hosts for 2018! If you're interested in hosting the weekly challenges, please reach out using the Contact Us form!

Challenge #3

This week, our member Mel (username meldarcy) is challenging you to use stripes. Be sure to follow Mel here at SC to see more of her work and keep up with her!

I'm loving all of everyone's entries so far this month. Keep them coming!

This week I'm challenging you to use stripes. I love buying a whole collection of patterned papers because it's easier to coordinate multiple sheets and patterns, but inevitably I end up with stripes left over—often, unsure of what to do with them. Stripes are one of my least favourite patterns to use because I'm not familiar with using them. This week, I've challenged myself to use them and I'm fairly happy with the result.

So now it's your turn. Use stripes in your next project and upload it to the gallery. Be sure to link your projects below.

Happy creating!!

Now it’s your turn to create a project based on this week's challenge! Share your new project for the challenge in the SC gallery, then link up your project in the comments of this post by January 31st. We will draw a winner to win a $10 gift card to the Studio Calico Shop!

Guidelines for LOAW participants: 

The LOAW (layout-a-week) challenge came about from members challenging and encouraging one another to use their kits. Because it began before SC offered card and Project Life® kits, the challenge was for layouts, hence LOAW. Since scrapbook, card and PL kits are a part of SC's subscriptions, those types of projects are now included in LOAW. That means you can submit a LO, card, PL spread, minibook, or art journal page to a LOAW challenge. 

If you have trouble interpreting the challenge for the type of crafter you are, ask the host (person posting the challenge) for suggestions. Sometimes ideas we come up with make perfect sense in our minds, but don't translate as easily as we expect to another type of paper crafting. 

Each person may submit one unique project per challenge, i.e. you cannot submit the same project for two LOAWs. It's okay to combine LOAW with another challenge, though, such as a sketch or technique challenge. 

The project you submit should be one that is created in response to the LOAW challenge, which means no posting of older projects no matter how perfectly they fit the challenge. Any project submitted to the challenge should be made in the month of the challenge. 

Deadline for submissions is the last day of the month. Once the month changes on the SC site, it's too late to post for a chance to win. (I wanted to make note of this because I am a procrastinator and I'm sure there are a few more like me out there doing everything at the last minute.) 

When submitting a project for LOAW, please include a picture of your project and a link to it in the SC gallery on the challenge thread. Also, if the challenge asks for additional information, e.g. explain your inspiration, please include that in your submission post. SC generously offers a $10 GC to one participant. It's actually a promotion code good for 30 days. The winner's name is pulled from all of the entries. So if you enter one challenge, you have one chance of winning; two entries, two chances; etc. Hope you take a chance and take on one or more of the LOAW challenges each month.

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  1. penny says…

    I love stripes! Found these Bella Blvd stripes in my stash:

    0 Reply 1 Reply
    1. meldarcy says…

      Love this @penny your layouts are always the right blend of bold and clean!

  2. TerryB says…
    0 Reply 1 Reply
    1. meldarcy says…

      Love this @TerryB great use of the stripes and I love how you've managed to get so many photos in without the layout looking cluttered.

  3. JaneD says…

    I also love stripes! Here's my take on the challenge, an "impossible" card
    Thanks for the challenge!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  4. CeliseMcL says…

    I used a striped patterned paper to mount my first Mothers Day Card
    I also used a Birds & Butterflies stamp and the hello little one stamp for the hearts.
    background is watercolor with oxide inks.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  5. CristinaC says…

    I love stripes! What a fun challenge, thank you!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  6. Kristi_ says…
    0 Reply 0 Replies

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